Week 8 Session
Advocacy: Skills & Techniques
Week 8 Curriculum
Welcome to Week 8 of the CoT Program. This page contains the program curriculum for the Week 8 session.
Objectives: The objectives of this session are to:
Explore advocacy in global climate change, transportation, and energy challenges.
Introduce the five step advocacy process.
Practice advocating skills to improve teens’ confidence, communication, and research skills.
Encourage members to share any personal experiences or observations.
Provide more details on the CoT Final Project Competition.
Week 8 Resources
Week 8 Facilitator Handbook Excerpt: Here
Advocacy Skills Practice Worksheet:

Center of Transformation
Introduction Video
Five Step Advocacy Process Video
Learning Video
Advocacy Skills Practice Activity
Exercise or Activity
Download and/or print the Advocacy Skills Worksheet for your group (located at the end of Week 8 below).
Group Assignments:
(In-person Groups) Pair teens up into groups of 2-4 and have them complete the Skills Worksheet together.
(Virtual Groups) For virtual groups (use Zoom breakout rooms)
Using the Five Step Advocacy Process, each group will come up with an issue that matters to them and practice how they would advocate for the issue.
Each group will complete their Advocacy Skills Practice Worksheet and practice their idea in front of the group for constructive feedback.
Facilitators and other group teens should provide constructive feedback to each group on how well they advocated for their issue and used the five step process.
(Facilitators): Submit all group Advocacy Skills Practice Worksheets to: cot@bgcgw.org.