2025 Week 3 Session
Food Systems
Week 3 Curriculum
Welcome to Week 3 of the CoT Program. This page contains the program curriculum for the Week 3 session.
Objectives: The objectives of this session are to:
Provide a basic understanding of food systems and how they affect climate change.
Week 3 Resources
Week 3 Facilitator Handbook Excerpt: Here
Energy Scavenger Hunt Worksheet: Here​
​Teen Registration: https://bit.ly/2025cotteenregistration

Center of Transformation
Intro Video
Weekly Exercise
Energy Virtual Scavenger Hunt Competition
Exercise or Activity
Teen Members:
Download and/or print the Energy Scavenger Hunt Worksheet
When the CoT Facilitator signs to start, teens will work individually to complete the Energy Scavenger Hunt Worksheet by finding the items listed on the worksheet.
Teen Members will email or hand-in their Energy Scavenger Hunt Worksheets to their CoT Facilitator for verification of winners.
Check with your CoT Facilitator for her email address to send your Energy Scavenger Hunt Worksheet to.
CoT Facilitators:
CoT Facilitators will be provided a Energy Scavenger Hunt Answer Sheet to help them determine examples of scavenger hunt correct objects.
CoT Facilitators will note the order of receiving the teen members' Energy Scavenger Hunt Worksheet to determine who completed the scavenger hunt first and had the most correct items found.
Note: Facilitators must provide their email addresses or collect the worksheets to determine the top two winners.
The top two members in each group who find the most correct scavenger hunt items the fast will objects win a prize.
Facilitators will verify the winners and email the names of the top two winners for each club or organization to: Cot@bgcgw.org.
1. Session Debrief Questions:
What are examples of renewable energy sources?
What are examples of non-renewable energy sources?
Is there one source of energy that is better than the others?
How does energy sources affect climate change?
2. Teens:
Submit Energy Scavenger Hunt Worksheets and top two teen winner names to CoT Facilitator at: cot@bgcgw.org.
4. Facilitator:
Provide an Overview of Week 4.
Record attendance for Week 3.