Week 2 Session
STEM: Transportation Basics
Week 2 Curriculum
Welcome to Week 2 of the CoT Program. This page contains the program curriculum for the Week 2 session.
Objectives: The objectives of this session are to:
Provide a basic understanding of the modes of transportation.
Recognize how transportation can affect the greenhouse gas emissions.
Understand the science of how various forms of transportation contribute to climate change and what solutions may address the problem.
Select a mode of transportation and primary energy source that will be used for the CoT journey ahead.
Week 2 Resources
Week 2 Facilitator Handbook Excerpt: Here
Transportation Selection Worksheet: Here
Teen Registration: https://bit.ly/cotregistration.

Center of Transformation
Introduction Video
Duration: 11 min 55 secs
Transportation and Climate Change
Learning Video
Direct Link: https://youtu.be/c4iVCJ00BYA
Duration: 2 min 46 secs
Transportation Research and Video
Exercise or Activity
Part 1: Research a Mode of Transportation
Work in teams of two and select from one of the transportation modes (limit duplicate modes until all are covered): (1) cars, (2) buses, (3) trucks, (4) trains, (5) ships, (6) aircraft, (7) pipelines, or (8) micro mobility.
The teams will briefly research their selected mode of transportation and complete the Transportation Selection Worksheet online or print it out.
Part 2: Create a 60 second song/rap/or poem that includes:
(1) team member names
(2) the transportation mode selected
(3) who or what does the mode of transportation transport
(4) primary energy source(s) used
(5) describe the science of how the mode contributes or affects climate change challenge
(6) offer one solution to addressing climate change for this mode of transportation.
Part 3: Submit your video below:
CoT staff will evaluate videos and may select a few winning videos for a prize and to feature on social media.
1. Facilitator Debrief:
What was one new thing you learned about your selected transportation mode?
How does your selected mode affect or impact climate change?
Provide an Overview of Week 3
Record attendance for Week 2.
3. Teens:
Submit Transportation Video (60 sec) below: