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Week 8 Session
Careers in the Food Industry

Week 8 Curriculum

Welcome to Week 8 of the CoT Program. This page contains the program curriculum for the Week 8 session. 


Objectives: The objectives of this session are to:

  • Explore advocacy in global climate change, transportation, and energy challenges. 

  • Introduce the five step advocacy process.

  • Practice advocating skills to improve teens’ confidence, communication, and research skills.

  • Encourage members to share any personal experiences or observations. 

  • Provide more details on the CoT Final Project Competition.


Week 8 Resources

Week 8 Facilitator Handbook ExcerptHere


Advocacy Skills Practice Worksheet:




Center of Transformation

Intro Video

Five Step Advocacy Process Video

Learning Video

Learning Video Cover.jpeg


Advocacy Skills Practice Activity

Exercise or Activity

  • Download and/or print the Advocacy Skills Worksheet for your group (located at the end of Week 8 below).

  • Group Assignments:

    • (In-person Groups) Pair teens up into groups of 2-4 and have them complete the Skills Worksheet together.

    • (Virtual Groups) For virtual groups (use Zoom breakout rooms)

    • Using the Five Step Advocacy Process, each group will come up with an issue that matters to them and practice how they would advocate for the issue.

    • Each group will complete their Advocacy Skills Practice Worksheet and practice their idea in front of the group for constructive feedback.

    • Facilitators and other group teens should provide constructive feedback to each group on how well they advocated for their issue and used the five step process.

  •  (Facilitators): Submit all group Advocacy Skills Practice Worksheets to:


1. Session Debrief Questions:

  • How comfortable are you with advocating for yourself?

  • What are some advocacy skills that work well for you?

2.  Facilitator:

  • Provide an Overview of Week 9.

  • Record attendance for Week 8.

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